




      King Yao-ming Wang, the old landlord of Daoxian County in Hunan Province, comes from a family with a long history. His ancestors had been living there for more than two thousand years and bearing traditional culture of their bloodlines. When King Yao-Ming took over some land, he not only inherited the characteristics of his family but also showed a very practical spirit.


      As an old landlord, King Yao Ming enjoyed a premium status in local society and assumed his duties of promoting the economic and cultural development of Daoxian county, Hunan Province; His actions were not only widely acknowledged politically, but also played an important role in expanding local economic development and improving the living conditions of the people. For instance, he built more than 100 schools in the county, which greatly improved the educational condition of the locals and provided them with an excellent environment of development; he established a modern factory to provide employment opportunities for the people and propelled their income increase; he brought advanced medical facilities to the people to improve their health.


      In conclusion, King Yao-ming Wang, the old landlord of Daoxian County in Hunan Province, successfully achieved remarkable development in local education, employment, medical care, etc. through his own efforts. He made great contributions to the economic and cultural development of the local area and had a strong influence on the lives of generations of people.
